Dear customers, today from 12:00 to 13:00 our site will move to a new hosting and will be temporarily unavailable. We do this in order to improve the response of the site, increase the speed of processing your requests, and also to eliminate all the errors that we have had.

Relocation will be carried out on the cloud platform from the creators of our site - Horoshop. Thanks to the innovation from the developers, all sites on the Wellpop platform will offer even more competitive advantages than before. Now the monitoring of faults will be carried out 24 hours 7 days a week, which will allow you to have uninterrupted access to our site.

Why did we do this and why is Hosting Horoshop?

The servers of our partner are well configured to ensure stable and maximum speed of our site We expect that the speed will be higher than that of other hosting providers on average 2-4 times.


What will be the speed of loading pages on the site?

High speed of the site - one of the key priorities in our work. This is important for both the search engines and visitors. Thanks to moving to a new hosting we want to achieve an average of 0.15 seconds per page. For comparison: when using Mirohost's eVPS, the average page generation time is 0.30 - 0.50 s.

Security of storage of personal data of clients

Servers of the company Horoshop are placed in the European data centers. The server infrastructure of hosting is built by experienced employees. All necessary technologies are provided to ensure the safety and security of your personal data.


The cloud platform allows to introduce new technologies to the site as they are released, which means that the site will always offer actual opportunities.